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"The Companies Act 2014: a new regime"
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About this Seminar

It’s here at long last! After months and years of talk and speculation, the Companies Act 2014 was signed into law on 23rd December 2014 and is expected to be commenced within the next few months. The legislation does two things: first, it simplifies the law by consolidating the existing fourteen pieces of company law legislation into a single document (albeit that the document runs to over a thousand sections and is the largest single piece of legislation the State has ever seen!). Secondly – and perhaps more importantly -  it changes the law in a number of respects. Some of these changes are technical and will affect only those practitioners specialising in corporate law; others are much more fundamental and every practitioner must know about them.

This seminar is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of both the “big” and “small” changes contained in the Act, and to help practitioners navigate the legislation’s daunting scope and size. While some familiarity with company law is expected, the course is intended for practitioners of all backgrounds. As always, it will include detailed notes drafted by our expert presenters.     

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